In the cabinet in the last room at the end of the dark hallway, to the right of where you get the Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament. In a box on the ground between a tree and the corner of the house (where Luis is being held captive). Version 1.2 / Ada 10-01-07: Added an ASCII title. It pays to be observant and check your surroundings carefully to ensure you don't miss anything. Filtra per parola chiave: Parola chiave non inserita o non valida. The only treasure items not marked on the map are the spinels, velvet blues, emeralds, rubies and the green/red/blue eyes. In the briefcase at the end of the short pathway just outside and across from the entrance to the freezer room.
Resident Evil Village uscirà il prossimo 7 maggio su PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One e Xbox Series X/S. 3-1: In a chest behind the small shack on the upper level of the outer castle area. Again, I did my best, but if you can come up with a more accurate (and concise) description of the location, email me. A lamp with all the eyes set in its indentations. Treasure locations are identified on the map with a star symbol. Resident Evil Village Recensione: l'antologia dell'orrore secondo Capcom Abbiamo affrontato zombi, licantropi, vampire giganti e altri mostri, e … Is it okay to sell all the treasures? E poi a cosa servono di preciso i tesori… Updated approved hosting sites.

In the sandy room on the ground where a stream of sand is dripping down, just in front of the door to the room where the mine cart ride starts. In the barrel on the right, at the top of the hill on the left, after destroying the truck. In the birdnest above the path, just after passing through the wooden gateway when leaving the graveyard.

It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. In a box on the crate across from the merchant, after defeating Salazar. You never know when you may need to spam your handgun. Immediately after dodging the rolling boulder, turn around and look up. In the left oven in the building with the dynamite ganados, after the canyon. Are you stupid or something? Visita il Mercante per salvare i tuoi progressi e vendere oggetti e tesori indesiderati per aiutarti ad acquistare nuove armi e potenziamenti. If you're worried about missing something, print the chapter checklist section and check off each treasure as you find it.